Well, I did it. Got one book down. I was pleased with TO THE BONE. It is a quick, but pleasant read. Not as good as McMahon's latest, QUICK SILVER, but still great. QUICK SILVER was just so flawlessly written, it's hard to compare the two. McMahon has definitely evolved as a writer in the eight years since TO THE BONE has been published. McMahon is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.
The books is basically about a doctor, Carroll Monks, who happens to have a patient die on up under very strange circumstances. Dr. Monks is a magnet for bad luck, thus the four books McMahon wrote about him. I am going to try to read at least one more of these Monks books over the summer. Anyways, Monks does a little digging and finds his patient was recently had breast surgery. The plastic surgeon has a reputation for fixing the rich and famous, but is connected to some strange characters, who Monks pretty much labels as suspects. Classic 'who done it' from there.
I couldn't help but notice McMahon's subtle connections to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. There was a sort of theme to this book where, without going into much detail, Dr. D'aton, the plastic surgeon, was paying a price for making the rich women more beautiful. Kind of like his creation coming back to haunt him.
I suck at this reviewing stuff, which I don't really think anyone will read anyways, which is probably a good thing. On to book two. Should be a quick one.
Sorry about any spelling or grammatical errors. As an English teacher, I should be concerned, but AH, it's the summer.
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