I had heard good things about Walter Mosley and picked up THE WAVE, one of his newer novels. I'm half-way into it and am slightly disappointed. After picking it up from the library, I read a little about it and realized this wasn't his typical work. THE WAVE is in the rhelm of science fiction, which done correctly, I enjoy. I guess this is Mosley's only work in sci-fi. I'm still on the fence about how good it is. There have been times I wanted to forget about this book and move on to something else, but kept reading and was happy I did.
The whole part about 'the wave' where there are tons of bodies under the earth just waiting to be brought back to life, is hard for me to believe. I don't think Mosley was very convincing in his case.
So far, I'm determined to finish the novel. It isn't very long, so I don't feel I will have wasted my time if, at the end, I am disappointed.
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